Jul 28, 2023Liked by Marin May

MAAAARe. you continue to be the sage that voices everything i’ve been thinking about. i recently was talking to my mom in the kitchen about not giving a FUCK about producing as a creative anymore. my partner came in late to the convo and didn’t realize what i was trying to say. he’s a musician and has recently been playing out. he said it’s helped him to push himself. i felt heated, not at him (because he wasn’t aware of the context) but at the same idea of be-ing conflated into complacency. i’m not complacent, i want peace. i want to rid myself from the greater capital-W writing world because of how it clings so hard to capitalism and that end product. also—i’m very interested in this nudist retreat. i haven’t been nude enough lately. all this to say—thank you for sharing your be-ing with us.

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Marin May

Thank you for all of this. Needed it so badly today 🫶 as a fellow fantasy writer who often wonders if I'll ever finish my novel and feels the constant pressure of capitalism, the freedom to just be is transformative.

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God, there's so much here to think on. We sold my day job over a year and a half ago and in all that time since I've been trying, struggling, and mostly failing at making a career out of art. I'm just not making enough money to live on. Last week my main Instagram account for my art was mistakenly suspended for a couple days and I thought I was going to die if I lost it for good. And then, this past Saturday, an outdoor market I set up at got ripped away by a storm, ruining some of my artwork and supplies before I even got to make a single sale.

I've been working with two friends on a dance and art thing that we're debuting later this month, but I keep getting bummed out about it knowing that attendance isn't going to be great and we're not going to make any money when I should be excited about performing my first ever dance of my own making. And today I'm going to the third and final art career workshop thing that a couple of my friends have been hosting. At the first one, they asked "what is your highest work?" That is, what is it you ultimately want to do with your art, what you provide to the world with it, and I've realized that tying art to finances is probably not the way to go.

I need to stop there, I've gotta run, but thank you for writing this and for giving me a new perspective and new ideas to consider on how to live.

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